Place the item(s) you wish to order in your shopping cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button located next to the product image. A pop up screen will confirm that your item was put into the shopping cart. You have the option to "continue shopping" or proceed to "checkout" When you're ready to complete your order, click "Checkout" from within your shopping cart and follow the instructions. You may also complete your order by calling us at 1-877-848-9596 Monday - Saturday 9am - 7pm EST. After your order has been successfully processed you will received two emails, the first email will be your order confirmation and your second email will be when the order ships.

Vielle and Frances does not accept orders placed via e-mail, live-chat, fax or mail. These methods are not secure. If you are having trouble locating a product, adding products to your shopping cart or the checkout, please contact customer service at 1-877-848-9596 Monday - Saturday 9am - 7pm EST for immediate assistance. All custom orders take a minimum of 12-16 weeks. This time frame does not include shipping time. You may also send an email the order processing department at Please note: Emails may take up to 1-2 business days for replies. Order processors are available Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm EST.